Raco and GSE

Raco and GSE combine their know-how. The two companies, each with their own expertise, have joined forces.

Battery adapter set

Top post adapter set for battery with screw holes.
If the battery (12FGL42) has screw holes, you can use this adapter set.

Jumper Cables

RACO has a wide selection of Start Cables of the highest quality and in many lengths. The pliers are made of cast brass, which provides a long service life and a stable connection.

Battery Terminal

If you are looking for quality and stability, Raco can deliver it for you. Battery terminals from Raco are made of brass tin-plated, which provides a long life and stable connection.


Polsko forside Raco
Battery Terminals
Battery terminal cover hood Battery Pole shoe coat protector Insulating cap Protective cap Dust cover clamp car truck RACO GSE
Terminals Cover
Battery Clips Charging clamp Battery tongs Charging pliers Battery clamp Charging clip Crocodile clips Starting forside RACO GB
Battery Clips
Prøvestik testline forside Raco GSE 3
Test Plug
Trailerlystester forside Raco GSE 3
Trailer Light Tester
Lamp simulator Trailer light simulator Led tester Trailer simulator Lighting-emulator Lamp-emulator Virtual-lamp Home GSE RACO GB
Lamp Simulator
Kabelsko forside Raco 3
Ring Terminals
Earth bonding strap Earth strap Battery Motor Car cable Frame cable Battery cable Copper braid Wire braid Connection Lug Home
Earth Straps
Startkabler forside Raco 3
Booster Cables
Bremsepedal trykmåler forside Raco GSE 3
Brake Pedal Gauges
Trailer omformer forside Raco GSE 3
Trailer Converter
Løsdele forside Raco
Spare Parts
Cable connections Battery cable Motor cable Frame cable Starter cable Connection cable Ground cable Jumper cable Home RACO GB
Cable Connections
Main switch battery switch Selector Disconnect boat car truck robust Kill switch which is used to cut off the power RACO GSE
Battery Switch
Plug Voltage Reducer Trailer Converter Wiring Caravan Wire Harness Connector Multicon Transition Socket WeSt Home RACO GSE GB
Installation Material
Battery terminals front page Raco
Battery Terminals
Battery terminal cover hood Battery Pole shoe coat protector Insulating cap Protective cap Dust cover clamp car truck RACO GSE
Terminals Cover
Battery Clips Charging clamp Battery tongs Charging pliers Battery clamp Charging clip Crocodile clips Starting forside RACO GB
Battery Clips
Test plug testline frong page Raco GSE 3
Test Plug
Trailer light tester front page Raco GSE 3
Trailer Light Tester
Lamp simulator Trailer light simulator Led tester Trailer simulator Lighting-emulator Lamp-emulator Virtual-lamp Home GSE RACO GB
Lamp Simulator
Ring terminal front page Raco 3
Ring Terminals
Earth bonding strap Earth strap Battery Motor Car cable Frame cable Battery cable Copper braid Wire braid Connection Lug Home
Earth Straps
Booster cable front page Raco 3
Booster Cables
Brake pedal pressure meter front page Raco GSE 3
Brake Pedal Gauges
Trailer converter front page Raco GSE 3
Trailer Converter
Spare parts Home page Raco
Spare Parts
Cable connections Battery cable Motor cable Frame cable Starter cable Connection cable Ground cable Jumper cable Home RACO GB
Cable Connections
Main switch battery switch Selector Disconnect boat car truck robust Kill switch which is used to cut off the power RACO GSE
Battery Switch
Plug Voltage Reducer Trailer Converter Wiring Caravan Wire Harness Connector Multicon Transition Socket WeSt Home RACO GSE GB
Installation Material

RACO and GSE has quality parts for the car industry

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