Trailer converter Relay box for vehicles

Trailer converter 24 to 12V 11127

User manual 11127
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Product sheet 11127
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24V til 12V



For all vehicles with 24V electrical systems running with 12V trailers.


Affordable trailer converter.

* Extra 24-12V inverter is now unnecessary.
With lamp simulation for activating the trailer control light C2 in the cab.

*  The trailer converter is protected against: short circuit, overload and fault polarization.

* The trailer converter is waterproof and intended for exterior and interior mounting.

Trailer converter Relay box for vehicles

Product description:

* When the trailer is short-circuited / overloaded, the trailer converter automatically interrupts the faulty function. When the short circuit is removed, the function in question works again. This avoids changing the fuse.

* With lamp simulation for activating the trailer’s indicator light (C2) in the cab, in the event of a short circuit or ground falling off, the control lamp (C2) goes out.

* Output voltages on stop-, rear-, fog-, reversing lights must be measured with a true RMS voltmeter..
Always remember to add a minimum of 2W load when testing measurement.

Why lamp simulation for flashlights?

Most flashing relays measure the amount of power that is connected, and indicate on the cab control lights whether the correct number of lamps is available and whether they are the correct power.

This is defined e.g. on the flash relay as 3 + 1. That is, 3x21W on the trailer + 21W on the trailer.
In the cab there are 2 control lights, C1 is for the trailer and C2 is for the trailer.
In many flash relays, the current curve is measured with fairly high precision (see curve diagram).
For example, if an 18W lamp is used instead of a 21W lamp, the C2 lamp will turn off and indicate faults.

In order for indicator light C2 to show correctly when connecting a 12V trailer, a lamp simulation is necessary because a 12V / 21W lamp has a power consumption of 1.85A (Illustrated with the current curve in Fig. 2), whereas a 24V / 21W lamp has a power consumption of 1.0A (Illustrated with the power curve in Fig. 1.).

If the method is used with a series resistor or a linear converter to change the voltage from 24V to 12V instead of using lamp simulation, the disadvantage is that the control relay’s control function will perceive a 12V-21W lamp as a load of approx. 38W instead of the expected 21W, so the indicator light C2 will often show incorrect.

The TLUB is designed to simulate a power curve similar to the power curve of a 24V lamp, giving the correct load of 21W and thus correct display.

TLUC is designed with a simpler form of simulation than TLUB. Here, a combination of resistance and pulse technique is used. This technique causes most flash relays to indicate approximately correctly.

Technical specifications:


Input voltage: 24V (20-32V)
Output voltage: 13.8V RMS 130Hz.
(with 28V input)
Efficiency: Indicator outputs 90%
Other outputs 95%
Operating temperature: – 25° C to + 65° C
Cable: 7 conductors a ’1.0 mm²
+ 1 ground a’ 2.5 mm²
Dimensions: L: 105 mm
W: 110 mm
H: 43 mm
Turn signal output: 2 x 21W
Backlight: 2 x 30W
Fog taillight: 1 x 42W
Reversing light: 1 x 42W
Brake light: 1 x 42W
Waterproof (IP65): Aluminum profile
Sidebar Mail Raco

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Relay box P60 24V to 12V 11105

User manual 11105
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Product sheet 11105
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Part no.



24V to 12V



For all vehicles with 24V electrical systems that run with 12V trailers.


Affordable relay box.

* To change the voltage from 24 volts to 12 volts, 4-5 relays are used in the box. These are controlled by the 24 volts and conduct 12 volts from a converter out to the lamps..

* The P60 can also be used for junction boxes by letting the main cable into the box and out to 24 volt socket.

Trailer converter Relay box for vehicles

Product description:

* Waterproof junction box and relay box in one for exterior mounting.

* The relay box is waterproof with the help of cable glands, threaded holes and counter nuts.



Partno. Description
11105H Print for relay box P20 11105 24V

Trailer converter Relay box for vehicles

Technical specifications:


Input voltage: 24 V
Output voltage: 12 V
Current per relay: 10 A
Power per relay: 200 W
Dimensions: L: 105 mm
W: 105 mm
H: 64 mm
Weight: 0.38 Kg
Material: Synthetic IP55

Relay box P60 12V to 12V 11106

Product sheet 11106
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Part no.



12V to 12V



For all 12V vehicles with “thin” wiring that runs with 12V trailer.


Affordable relay box.

* The P60 Relay box can also be used for junction box by letting the main cable go into the box and out to the socket.

* For 12V vehicles, 4 5 relays are used in the box, which are controlled by the existing 12V.

Trailer converter Relay box for vehicles

Product description:

* Waterproof junction box and relay box in one for external mounting.

* The relay box is waterproof by means of cable glands, threaded holes and lock nut.



Partno. Description
11106H Print for relay box P20 11106 12V

Trailer converter Relay box for vehicles

Technical specifications:


Input voltage: 12 V
Output voltage: 12 V
Current per relay: 10 A
Power per relay: 200 W
Dimensions: L: 105 mm
W: 105 mm
H: 64 mm
Weight: 0.38 Kg
Material: Synthetic IP55